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Merry Christmas – Wagic 0.10.1 released!

Ho ho ho, here’s our present to all Homebrew fans: A new version of Wagic, full of Christmas joy!
We’ve worked very hard in the past two months to fix bugs and add features, so I hope you’ll enjoy this new version. Many thanks go to the people who have given their time for this release, especially Abrasax, Daddy32, Dr.Solomat, Ilya B, J, Jeck, Lakeesha, Leungclj, Psyringe, Yeshua. I also especially want to thank Raphael for fixing the purple screen bug, a bug that had been in Wagic for several months now.
What is wagic?Wagic is a fan-made heroic-fantasy card game, in which you fight with your army against the computer. As you win battles, you earn credits that allow you to improve your deck and unlock more cards, and extra game modes. Wagic started as a small project, but has grown over the years, and is now often compared to commercial video games for its replay value and its high quality graphics.
Wagic is free, runs on Windows, Linux, and the Sony PSP. It is available in many languages, and fully customizable. you can create your own themes, your own cards, and even your own rules. Because Wagic is community driven and open source, it gets regularly improved with original contents and mods.
What’s new?

It has become difficult for me to summarize a release. It’s not only about new cards anymore, every release seems to bring more new stuff than the previous one! The major new features for this release are the “trophy room” and the “tasks mode”. The trophy room is a cool place where you can see details about all the sets and modes you have unlocked. The tasks mode is a very fun way to get more credits when you play: In the shop, press “start”, and see the “available tasks”. They are usually pretty clear on what you need to do to get extra credits. The tasks require you to build very clever decks that have a very specific purpose, such as winning a battle with insane amounts of life
Of course, we also added many (many!) cards in this release. Actually, we added as much cards as we could, and Wagic now has more than 5000 cards you can play with, in more than 50 sets.
You think that’d be enough for a new release, but we didn’t stop here. Wagic 0.10.1 has two new themes included: Final Saga by Ilya B (that’s now the default theme), and the Christmas theme by Lakeesha. There are also 50 new opponents, which brings the total of AI decks to 100. Overall, unlocking all the modes/cards and “beating” Wagic should take you a fair amount of time, definitely more than it takes to beat Uncharted 2
And so many other things: ingame music, bug fixes, language selection (no need for international players to wait for a patch anymore)…
Complete Changelog:
  • More than 1500 new cards. Wagic now allows you to play with 5149 cards, from more than 50 expansions, including Magic 2010, Zendikar, Revised, Alara, Conflux, shadowmoor,…
  • Added a “cheat” mode (don’t ask, I didn’t add it, I can’t tell you how to unlock it )
  • Deck statistics improvements
  • Bug fixes with audio
  • InGame music
  • Language is now an option, no need to wait for patches, you can choose English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, or Portuguese
  • New parser abilities: PreventAllcombatDamage, becomes…, horsemanship, myTurnOnly, asSorcery, myUpkeepOnly(and similar…), 0 mana activated abilities now work, equipment, threshold, cycling, protection from(target), nofizzle, autohand, autograveyard
  • Minor AI improvements, and bug fixes
  • New theme: final Saga (thanks to Ilya B)
  • New theme: Christmas (thanks to Lakeesha)
  • External rules system now allows you to create your own rules. Check mtg.txt in res/rules
  • “Purple Screen of despair” issue solved, thanks to Raphael and Yeshua.
  • New feature: Trophy Room
  • New feature: Tasks. Get more credits by fulfilling the quests given to you by the shopkeeper!
  • hundreds of bug fixes for specific cards
Note for beginners:Wagic requires you to know the basic rules of the game that inspired it. If it’s you’re first time playing, you might feel that the decks of your opponents are too tough. I suggest in that case to play against the 10 first decks of the “choose opponent” list, as these decks are historically less strong than the other ones. Good luck
Download:If you like Wagic, please consider making a donation. I do my best to use the money wisely. Thanks in advance!
Go to the download page
As usual, enjoy Wagic!







=============MWS使用方法===== ========

MWS主程式下载:    http://www.magicworkstation.com/download/mws094f.exe
牌库资料包下载:   http://mwsgames.com/download/mtg_gamepack.exe

WWK牌库资料(右键点这个链接另存为就行,是个txt文本):      http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/attachment.php?s=4bdfe75d655b640b56ce823581ba74b7&attachmentid=100452&d=1264741855


# 天地醒转        http://bgtrend.com/mtg/download/mws/WWK_CS.zip
# 赞迪卡          http://bgtrend.com/mtg/download/mws/ZEN.zip
# M2010           http://bgtrend.com/mtg/download/mws/M10.zip
# 新生            http://bgtrend.com/mtg/download/mws/ARB.zip
# 聚流            http://bgtrend.com/mtg/download/mws/CFX.zip
# 阿拉若断片      http://bgtrend.com/mtg/download/mws/ALA.zip

然后把所有图包解压到 C:\Program Files\Magic Workstation\Pics

备注1:记得把 天地醒转 的图包名由 WWK_CS 改成 WWK,
备注2:上面某个图包不是显示全图,解决办法是打开该图包,把图片的名字后面加上 .full 例子-- Blightning.jpg 改成 Blightning.full.jpg

1:打开 Magic Workstation, 按 ctrl + L ,打开 Master.mwBase

2:按 Tools →→ Analyze/Add/Remove sets ,然后跟下面的图做

3:按 选我给你的 Worldwake.txt 然后按 Next Page

4:按 Add edition

5:按 Ok 后,在主画面按 ctrl + s 储存,然后重开MWS

如果在载入时没有出现任何问题,那麼你已经成功加入 Worldwake 了,如果出现问题,请重启后请仔细跟随上面的指示操作


先打开 MWS ,废话=.=

备注1: 第一次用的话按Ctrl + L 打开Master.mwBase,然后 Ctrl + F2进入编辑模式
备注2: 就是不是第一次用,如果发现牌库不齐全的话,可以按Ctrl + L 打开Master.mwBase解决

然后开新( Ctrl + N ) 或 打开套牌 ( Ctrl + O ),然后就可以开始了




备注:牌组栏的下方, //Sideboard 以下的牌为备牌


蓝色 是把此牌从 牌库 加到 牌组 的 正牌
绿色 是把此牌从 牌库 加到 牌组 的 备牌
红色 是把此牌从 牌组 裏面移出

↑ 为把此牌由 备牌 移动到 正牌
↓ 为把此牌由 正牌 移动到 备牌

+ 为增加此牌的数量
- 为减少此牌的数量

4. 这是滤镜,过滤不同类别的牌就用这个,使用结果会在牌库显示

   ①: 左面的是环境,按左上栏(预设显示为ALL)那里,可以选择以T2 Standard/T1.5 Extend等分类,你也可以在左下自己点选需要的环境
   ②: 右上为牌类,

瞬间      ( Instant )
法术      ( Sorcery )
结界      ( Enchantment )
生物      ( Creature )
结界-灵气 ( Enchant {other} )
地        ( Land )
神器生物 ( Artifact Creature )
非生物神器( Artifact {non-creature} )
其他      ( Other )

备注: 鹏洛客 是属於 其他 类别

备注 1:值得一提的是 地 和 神器 在这是独立一个分类,没点的话是搜索不到的
备注 2: Gold 指的是多色卡,下面的是点选要搜索的多色卡的颜色
   ④:Rarity 为珍贵度,不解释....

   ⑤:别问我 OK 和 Cancel 是什麽..... Default是还原预设,没什麽用

5. 这是搜索,搜索不同的牌,可以搜索 名字/画家/内容 等等

   ①: 上方Search Fields 为搜索区域

牌名为    ( Card Title )
牌类为    ( Type )
牌效能为 ( Text )
牌内容为 ( Flavor )
画家为    ( Artist )

备注 1:( Search in Native Language )现阶段并无任何用处,请勿点选

   ②: 中间栏为搜索的关键字

OR 栏为或者关键字,如果要同时搜索 A 或者 B ,可以在 AND 栏输入 A ,OR 栏输入 B
NOT栏为除外关键字,如果要搜索 A 或者 B ,但不要有 C 内容, 可以在 AND 栏输入 A ,OR 栏输入 B, NOT栏输入 C

备注 1:如果点选每栏右边的 Match Whole Words,则关键字完全一样的结果才会显示,例如搜索 Land ,如果没有点选,会显示 Lands ,landcycling 等等
备注 2:此搜索只能搜索 英文 内容,无法搜索 中文

   ③: Additional Parameters 为附加过滤器,

Casting Cost     为法术力过滤器,可设定过滤不同法术力的牌
Power/Toughness 为攻防过滤器,可设定过滤不同大小的生物
   ④: Search 为执行搜索, Clear Fields 为清理过滤设定, Cancel 不解释

备注: 如果点选 Reset ALL filters before applying new 则会在搜索时无视你前面的过滤.比如 T2 Standard 的过滤

6. 这是统计,显示你的套的资料,比如 法术力曲线, 颜色曲线 ,牌种比例 等等



7. 这是重设所有 滤镜/搜索 的效果
zhongzzw 发表于 2010-2-27 22:55

PSP是直接复制到ISO吗  我用了怎么不好使

5.50gen d3刷机








  增加对IRSHELL D3的支持,IRSHELL D3也会尽快推出。